Excellent news for Bay Area Catholics!
KSFB-AM 1260 signed on Dec. 10 as Immaculate Heart Radio in the San Francisco Bay Area, the newest outlet in a prospering Catholic radio network and possibly the largest single Catholic radio station in the country.
KSFB, formerly KOIT, is the group's 20th station in a network founded 11 years ago in Reno by Doug Sherman.
“I’m excited and grateful that our 20th station is located in San Francisco,” Sherman said in a press release. “We look forward to sending the Word of the Lord over the airways in order to reach as many souls as possible.”
In a Dec. 12 letter to Sherman, San Francisco’s Archbishop George Niederauer congratulated him and colleagues for getting the station onto the air after “a long, challenging struggle.”
“I wish you many blessings and graces as you embark on this new service,” wrote the archbishop, who heads the U.S. bishops’ Communications Committee and is a member of the Pontifical Council on Social Communications.
Both Archbishop Niederauer and Oakland’s Bishop Allen Vigneron endorse the mission of the radio outlet on an IHR promotional DVD.
“This project would not have succeeded without the hard work and support of many people, but there would be no station if it were not for the work of Mike Lambert and Father Andrew Johnson,” Sherman told Catholic San Francisco.
A retired stockbroker, Lambert said he has been involved with Immaculate Heart Radio since its beginnings and has helped Sherman with development of the current San Francisco-based operation. Father Johnson is a retired attorney and investment banker ordained in 2004 for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Both Lambert and the priest are Knights of Malta.
“You must know how emotional the cut-over was,” Lambert said in a conversation with Catholic San Francisco. “After six years of going down blind alleys, it seemed this would never happen. All the years of trying were very good for us. The Holy Spirit guided us around those hazards. When that signal cut-over we were jumping up and down and hooting and hollering.”
More than a dozen persons attended the Dec. 10 event marking the transition from KOIT to KSFB, Lambert said, including Bill McInerney and Dennis Kelly, attorneys who worked on the project; Mark Bromley and Eva Muntean of Ignatius Press; George Keisel and Charlotte Keisel, both long time supporters of Catholic radio.
I checked out the website and it appears to be a faithful Catholic station.
They have much of the same programming as EWTN radio.
You can see their program schedule and you can listen online on their site below.
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