Excellent news...People supporting chastity and opposing promiscuity. I hope he makes it!
When Bruce Dickson shared with the judges on "American Idol" earlier this month that he wanted his first kiss to be on his wedding day, the panel wasn't impressed. It may have been his voice that made Randy Jackson, Simon Cowell, and Paula Abdul send Dickson packing, but when Jackson told him he should "kiss some girls" before he auditions next year the sparks started to fly.
Sarah Preston, a writer and editor with Playboy.com, told Cybercast News Service that Dickson was out of touch with his own sexuality and that winning "American Idol" required sex appeal - a trait impossible for a guy who wanted to hold on to his virginity.
Cybercast News Service interviewed Dickson, who explained how he came to make a vow of chastity based on his parents' teachings and his Christian beliefs.
"I respect women and don't treat them like a sexual object, and I'm the freak?" Dickson said of the taunting his public proclamation of chastity brought both on and off the "Idol" set. Sad that some people ridicule morality.
But the countless e-mails received by Cybercast News Service about Dickson and "American Idol" were almost unanimous in their support for Dickson and their contempt for a television show that they perceived was promoting promiscuity. I think that society should be more supportive of people who choose chastity.
Here is a YouTube of his statement:
1 comment:
Awesome post! Thank so much for supporting Bruce! He has an official website and blog up now, www.brucedicksonfans.com and www.brucedickson.blogspot.com
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