by Elizabeth Ficocelli
Illustrations by Shannon Wirrenga
Waterford, MI: Bezalel Books, 2010
“Where Do Sisters Come From?” by Elizabeth Ficocelli is the perfect introduction to women’s consecrated religious life for children. In an era where Catholic children may be exposed to relatively few sisters, their way of life may seem very mysterious indeed. Who are these sisters and what is their life like? “Where Do Sisters Come From?” answers these questions with honesty and beauty. While this book is written for girls to encourage them to consider the possibility that they might be called by God to this way of life, it is important to note that it is equally informative for boys.
Ficocelli begins by describing the process of discernment. What does it mean to hear God’s call and to respond to it? She discusses the importance of prayer and finding the right religious community. The three vows a sister takes are defined, as is the habit many sisters wear.
Ficocelli then explores the many ways sisters can live out their vocational call, working in many different professions, serving as a missionary, or living within their own religious community as a nun. She emphasizes that they have lives outside of their work as well. They have their families of origin that they are still a part of, as well as friends and hobbies. As she states, “Sisters come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. But one thing they all have in common is a love for their faith, and a desire to be like Jesus, leading people to God.”
“Where Do Sisters Come From?” is a wonderful book to share with your children or grandchildren. It would also make a great addition to a parish religious education program or library. It is a magnificent vocations tool.
Reviewed by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur
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