For Catholics seeking holiness, some tools are obvious—Mass,
prayer and the sacraments. But it is the little things that can trip us up and
leave us wondering: How can I do better to live a holier life?
In medicine, there is a cliché that states, “A doctor who treats
himself has a fool for a patient.” We
lack objectivity when it comes to ourselves. To bring this example home in a
sad and real way, my husband’s brother was a physician who did not have a
personal doctor. He died of a heart attack two years ago at the age of
fifty-two. In spite of getting regular exercise, he failed to realize that his
arteries were blocking; gradually, without detection. Although he was a kind,
compassionate, and highly intelligent man, objectivity for his own case escaped
Blind Spots
As author Dan Burke describes it, we have blind spots when
it comes to ourselves. In his new book, Navigating the Interior Life, Spiritual
Direction And the Journey to God (with Fr. John Bartunek) Burke begins by sharing
an experience in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. He was fly fishing alone. Having
come across fresh mountain lion tracks, Burke carefully surveyed the
surrounding terrain before turning his attention on the river that rushed
through the canyon before him. That, after all, was where the fish were—the
goal—and where he needed to put his attention.
Focusing on the goal clouded his ability to keep track of what was
around him until a feeling of unease mounted and “with a teeth-bearing growl”
he quickly hiked back to safety.
It is our blind spots that harbor spiritual attacks. ”The
best among us work very hard to develop virtue and to avoid or eliminate sin,
yet often have only a vague understanding of the fragile nature of our souls,”
Burke writes. “Saints and sinners alike, we all have blind spots.” He reminds us of Scripture’s warning: “Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the
devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him,
firm in faith” (1 Pet. 5:8-9).
Burke credits spiritual direction with forming him and
keeping him on course. He is the Executive Director of and writer for EWTN’s National Catholic Register a regular
co-host on Register Radio
, and the co-founder of the blog, Roman
Catholic Spiritual Direction that he began with Fr. John Bartunek. He had hoped that at least a few people would
stumble upon it. When thousands responded the first year and tens of thousands the
second, and then, hundreds of thousands from 190 countries, he knew he had hit
a nerve. Clearly, there were many like
himself seeking greater union with Christ.

What is Spiritual
For many Catholics, the idea of getting a “spiritual
director” is misunderstood. It’s not a private club, professional handholding
or a counseling relationship. Burke
defines it as a relationship between the Holy Spirit, the director, and the
directee with the main focus being union with God.
“Do I really need it?” you might ask. After all, there are
plenty of Catholic books and articles to guide us. And then there’s the Bible,
and homilies at Mass. Why would anyone
need spiritual direction on top of that?
“A more revealing way to ask this same question,“ says
Burke, “is, ‘Can I be my own spiritual director?’” He answers it by pointing out that we run the
risk of losing our way without a guide.
He quotes St. Jerome, “Do not be your own master and do not set out upon
a way that is entirely new for you without a guide; otherwise, you will soon go
Burke points out that Jesus set up a world in which people
need people through interpersonal relationships. Even Jesus put himself in the
position of being born of the Blessed Mother and submitted to her care. Scripture also shows that although Jesus
revealed himself to St. Paul in a personal encounter on the way to Damascus,
St. Paul was still told to receive spiritual direction from Ananias.
Even if a person is convinced it’s a good idea to get a
spiritual director, most do not know how to go about it. That is the very
reason Burke wrote the book since he could find no guide when he initially
sought direction.
the Interior Life is such a guide, covering everything from how to find a
spiritual director, what to expect, and chapters with spiritual helps such as a
“Spiritual Self Evaluation” and one on the spiritual life as shared by some of the
Church Doctors.
Rev, C. John McCloskey, Church historian and research fellow
at Faith and Reason Institute in Washington, DC, gives high praise to Burke’s
book in the Foreword. As a priest of thirty years who has provided spiritual direction
to a wide range of souls, he states that nothing is more important than the
aggressive pursuit of advancing our relationship with God.
“Why? Because death is inevitable,” he writes. “But those of
us who are sincere practicing Catholics know that our most important work in
this life is to prepare ourselves for the next one where we really will be
the Interior Life is personal in that it reaches our deepest most important
self—the spiritual. It is a blueprint for seeking guidance and support, a
compass to point the way, and is presented by a companion, walking alongside us
on the journey. Burke explains, “My hope
is that this simple effort will provide a light on the path to the great, but
often forgotten treasures that lie waiting for any heart who sincerely desires
Patti Maguire
Armstrong and her husband Mark have ten children. She is a communications
specialist with Teresa Tomeo Communications, was
managing editor and co-author of Ascension Press’s "Amazing Grace Series" , and has published over 600 articles,
appeared on EWTN Bookmark program, EWTN Live, and Catholic TV as well as radio
stations across the country. She is also winner of the About.com 2011 Reader's Choice Award .
Her latest books, Big Hearted: Inspiring
Stories from Everyday Families, (Scepter Publishers) and children’s
book, Dear God I don’t get it (Liguori Publications) will be
released in Spring 2013.
To read more, visit Patti’s blog and website. Visit her author page on facebook and also GPS Guide to
Heaven and Earth, Homeschool
Heart and Big Hearted
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