Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscar Winners Use Awards Event to Slam Same-Sex "Marriage" Opponents, Promote Homosexual Agenda

cross-posted from A Catholic View

Don't you love how Hollywood pretends that making a movie about something makes them an expert on the subject? It's even worse that they use any opportunity to advance the homosexual "lifestyle".

Last night's Oscars awards ceremony became a platform for promoting the homosexualist cause, as honorees involved in the pro-homosexual movie "Milk" suggested that their awards were a victory for the same-sex "marriage" movement and strongly criticized opponents of same-sex "marriage."

"Milk," a movie about the life of America's first openly homosexual politician Harvey Milk, was honored with Best Actor and Best Original Screenplay awards. The director, writer and two producers of the film identify as homosexual.

Sean Penn, who played Harvey Milk, used his acceptance speech for the Best Actor award to strongly condemn those who protest against same-sex "marriage." He referred in particular to a group protesting outside the Kodak Theater, where the awards ceremony took place.


Anonymous said...

I love Sean Penn because of this role. I heard his speech and it actually moved me to tears - and that's not easily done. Milk is by far one of my favorite movies <3

bebop210 said...

Agreed! Homosexuality is as valid a human trait as blond hair or brown eyes... Get over the hatred and truly embrace Christ's example of compassion and tolerance. I'm an honor student at a Catholic college so trust me on this!