What happens to a happy-go-lucky ten year old girl when the bottom falls out of her world? When she looks around to see that things are changing for the worse all around her? If she’s an “American Girl”, she follows the advice of her father, “Kit, don’t let it beat you”. That’s the motto of Kit Kittredge (Abigail Breslin), the heroine of the first “American Girl” film to hit the big screen. Previous films based on Samantha, Molly, and Felicity debuted on TV, but this first film to hit the silver screen may be paving the way for more “American Girl” films to open at cinemas.
Kit’s family live in a picturesque middle class suburb of Cincinnati, where she has a club in her tree house with her friends Ruthie Smithens (Madison Davenport) and Stirling Howard (Zach Mills). Kit’s father (Chris O’Donnell ) owns a car dealership and her mother (Julia Ormond) is a stay at home mother. Her older brother, whom we never see, has already left home to join the CCC forgoing college to help out. Adults may see the handwriting on the wall when hobos Will Shepherd (Max Thierot) and Countee (Willow Smith) arrive at the Kittredge home willing to “work for food”, but Kit and her friends don’t realize something is amiss until her next door neighbor’s home is foreclosed, and they see them thrown out on the street. She is stunned to discover that she too is facing poverty when during a school service project, she sees her father eating at the local soup kitchen. He loses the car dealership and leaves for Chicago in search of work. Kit’s mother takes in a motley assortment of boarders to make ends meet, and Kit is moved out of her pretty bedroom into the attic.
Kit an avid writer, finds solace by reporting on events around her, from the wallet theft she witnesses in town, to the hobo camp by the railroad tracks she visits in an effort to understand why so many people are in dire straights. She has to get to the bottom of the mystery called the Depression, and tries to offer her perspective in her first submission to the Cincinnati Register, announcing to the gruff editor Mr. Gibson(Wallace Shaun) “I want to be in print!”. Kit’s story on the hobo camp is roundly rebuffed as too controversial; public opinion still points fingers at the hobos as lazy, undeserving troublemakers. Kit knows in her heart that her friends Will and Countee are honest, and soon she has to use her best investigative journalism skills to prove this.
Authentic costumes, sets, and excellent casting make this period film work, the story line and characters are engaging if stereotyped, and the packed house on opening day gave the film a hearty round of applause. The house lights revealed tweens dressed up, and carrying their American Girl dolls. This mother-daughter event was obviously the highlight of their summer. One mother shared her approval of the “good family values” she saw reflected in the film. Her eleven year old daughter sometimes asks difficult questions about some of the music she hears, but with an American Girl movie, she said, “ a mom can just enjoy the film”.
Kit is respectful to authority figures like her teachers and her parents, yet shows just enough spunk not to back down to Mr. Gibson’s growling, nor be intimidated at some of her rougher tenants. The film’s themes of kindness to the poor, the importance of loyalty, and the fact that pain of separation of families is worse than economic troubles, warm the heart of this mother of three girls. The only thing missing was, in the final scene at the Thanksgiving table, though a spirit of gratitude was apparent, no one said grace. The conservative families I saw shopping at the American Girl store in New York would have approved heartily if a simple prayer was said. Maybe next time.
Nothing offensive, and difficult themes are dealt with gently. Enthusiastically recommended for all audiences, even boys should give this charming film a chance.
As much as I would love to support a family film, American Girl (company) supports pro choice organizations and sold a bracelet (ala Armstrong's example) that went to a program that supported abortion. So I hope Catholic parents read into the company before seeing the film and buying the products.
Amanda, I participated in the protests against American Girl, mailing my catalogue back, etc, and we were successful, they broke ties with the pro-choice Girls Inc. in December of 2006.
As far as I know, they are not affiliated with any pro-abortion causes at this time, or I would not be reviewing this film.
Thats good I couldn't find any updated info on it! Thanks for sharing!
I wonder if someone is trying to keep this out of the theatre. This topic is so timely and I was really looking forward to taking my children to go see it. It ran for about two weeks at my local theatre, and after four weeks it was no longer playing at any threatres in all of Suffolk County! Now I will have to wait until it comes to DVD to see it!
I picked this up on DVD as a Christmas gift and cannot wait to watch it with my kids! I said it was a timely movie back in July - even more so now. I see my kids' poor little college accounts plunging month by month. Lay up not treasures on this earth...
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