Maxwell Smart (Steve Carrell) is a pencil pushing bureaucrat in CONTROL a US government spy agency whose moment has finally arrived. After eight attempts to pass the field agent’s exam, he eagerly awaits the good news that he has passed, and is finally given an assignment. To his disappointment, the Chief (Alan Arkin) says that headquarters needs Max’s meticulous though boring reports on the Russian terrorist agency KAOS, and can’t spare him. To make matters worse, macho Agent 23(Dwayne Johnson), struts in from his latest mission abroad, garnering the affection of the blonde receptionist. He leaves of the office dejectedly, feeling that all is lost. Max’s frustration is short lived, however, for headquarters is attacked by KAOS and all the field agents’ identities are compromised, opening an opportunity for the rookie. He is sent to Russia to intercept a nuclear bomb plot to blow up the US. Sophisticated Agent 99 (Anne Hathaway) isn’t thrilled to be paired with the bumbling Max, a fact she pointedly asserts, ignoring him on their flight to Russia. Max, thanks to his techno-geek friends Bruce (Masi Oka) and Lloyd (David Koechner) who fitted up a Swiss Army knife complete with flamethrower and mini cross-bow, shows it off in an effort to impress 99, and the pair’s famous chemistry begins.
Anne Hathaway’s portrayal of sultry yet hard-hitting Agent 99 is first-rate, and Steve Carrell is the consummate Maxwell Smart; brainy yet klutzy. The film has enough classic spy action, evil enemies, and humor to keep the audience engaged. A spirited tango competition at a Russian party and testy banter between the two, are reminiscent of the 1960’s TV show we are soon reminded that we are not in the 1960‘s anymore. The humor gets progressively raunchy; the sexual elements are too blatant to go over the heads of anyone; a male to male kiss, fondling, and simulated homosexual acts. There was no nudity beyond bare buttocks, but has Hollywood lost all subtlety? Director Peter Segal apparently tried to cover for the lifeless dialogue in the screenplay with overdone sexual content. To say times have changed since the 60’s is no excuse. Why not wow the audience with spectacular special effects, keep the slapstick gags, and leave out the smut?
There were several adolescent boys in the audience who were obviously bored, just what audience was Segal aiming for? If this was a film for adults, and the sexual content obviously makes it so, the film should have aimed for an R rating so families would know enough to ‘Get Smart’ and stay home. Wait for a TV showing of this film where you can enjoy the action and humor, and the offensive language and overt sexual references are deleted.
Not recommended.
Get Smart was also panned by the movie critic in my local paper. I'm so disappointed as I thought Steve Carrel and Anne Hathaway would be perfect in their roles.
One of the things I enjoyed about the original series was how Agent 99 always loved Max, even though he was a bumbler, and how he was completely clueless about it.
I liked the chemistry between Carrell and Hathaway, it's just that the director couldn't leave it at chemistry, but had to advance to groping, and overt sexual comments from 99 like, "are you looking at my ass?" These killed the mood.
Get Smart looks pretty good over all though it seems like Steve Carell is veering toward an excess of slapstick humor
That's really too bad. I thought the original series was a real riot and was looking forward to film filled with innocent fun. Carroll and Hathaway have picked good roles so far. This sounds pretty silly and insignificant.
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