Bio: Christine is a cradle Catholic. She grew up in New York,and now lives in North Carolina with her family. She is very orthodox in her faith. She is loyal to the Pope and the Magesterium of the Church. She considers her blog A Catholic View to be her little contribution to spreading the Catholic faith. She is delighted to be involved with Catholic Media Review. In an increasingly secular world, it is increasingly important to avoid attachment to wordly things and to focus on Christ. There were a few years that strayed and she did not live her faith. Here is the story of how she made her way back:
Contact Christine
Bio: As a Baby-Boomer, growing up in the 50’s, Jean had been watching TV since it was first invented and movies for over 50 years; her favorites are the classics from the 40’s. As an avid reader, her tastes are eclectic, but she particularly enjoys the following genres: Catholicism / Christianity, history, the arts, biographies, autobiographies, romance, comedy, drama, science fiction/fantasy, health, and psychology/self-help. As a freelance writer, she enjoys writing about: the saints, spirituality, culture of life, and Catholicism. Her work has been published in: Canticle, St. Anthony Messenger,
Contact Jean
Jeff Miller
Website: The Curt Jester
Contact Jeff
Jeff Vehige
Website: Thursday Night Gumbo
Contact Jeff
Jessica (Catholic Mom)
Bio: While raising four children, (boy, girl, girl, boy) ages 12 to 5, I have come to accept that I have not sufficiently "grown up" enough to enjoy mainstream adult fiction. This realization, coupled with the fact that I preview everything my children see or read, led to the creation of Catholic Book Review. I grew up in St. Louis, met my husband at the University of Dallas, and moved to the western suburbs of Chicago, where we currently reside, in a state of constant motion with much driving.
Contact Jessica
Bio: Julie Davis works with her husband in their graphic design business. They have two teenage daughters and live in Dallas, Texas.
Contact Julie
Bio: Mother to three daughters and a Literature instructor at a Catholic school, Leticia has always loved writing, good literature, and classic films. She became a blogger in 2006, and began to include film reviews on her blogs, Causa Nostrae Laetitiae, and Cause of Our Joy Suddenly Leticia was thrust into the world of film criticism when Eric Sheske of the National Catholic Register mentioned her blog as a source for Catholic film reviews. The next day, an invitation arrived to attend a film premiere in Hollywood, which she accepted, and a film critic was born.
Leticia began Catholic Media Review to guide parents in their decisions on whether to let their children see a particular film. She also promotes independent family films like “Bella”, and “Fireproof” so that they can reach a larger audience.
Her goal is nothing less than a transformation of the culture to what Pope John Paul II called a “Culture of Life”. She realizes that the pivotal role the media has to play in this transformation, and is determined that those who would defame Christ’s message do not have the last word.
She writes film and book reviews for the following publications: MercatorNet, Catholic Exchange, Catholic Online, and “National Catholic Register”. Her reviews have been posted at the websites of Reuters, IMDb, USA Today, Chicago Sun-Times, and various TV news stations.
March Hare
Website: Mad Tea Party
Contact March Hare
Patrice Fagnant-McArthur
Website: Spiritual Woman Thoughts
Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur has a Master of Arts in Applied Theology from Elms College. A columnist for Catholic Mom and Catholic Exchange, she has been reviewing books for over five years and is one of the select "Vine" reviewers on She is a homeschooling mom of two sons and writes from Western Massachusetts where she is also actively involved in volunteering for her parish. She blogs at Spiritual Woman Thoughts and Catholic Blog Fiction.
Scott Nehring
Bio: Scott has been an independent movie reviewer since 2004 and has reviewed thousands of films. His reviews have been published on a number of websites from the United States, Australia and India. His reviews have also been published on, USA and a variety of local news stations across America. A former screenwriter, Scott has is balancing his love of story structure and cinema along with his Christian faith. He teaches film classes to Christians, teaching them how to "read" films and how to deal with the sometimes thorny subject of engaging modern culture. Scott lives in the Twin Cities with his wife and three children.
Contact Scott