Approximately 2000 years ago, a curse was placed on a brutal Chinese emperor Han (Jet Li). He was seeking immortality, but the sorceress instead turned him, and his army, into clay. Now, in 1946, Alex O'Connell discovers the tomb and raises the Emperor. Alex is soon joined by his parents Rick and Evelyn O'Connor (Brendan Frazer and Maria Bello). If the Emperor drinks from the pool of immortality, which he does, he will become immortal. He then raises his army, and if they cross the Great Wall of China, they will be indestructible. There is only one way to kill the Emperor, which I won't spoil here. Another army is also raised to combat the Emperor's army. The O'Connells are joined by the daughter of a General that Han had killed, and her mother.
Comments on content:
The Emperor embodies evil...he thinks he is God, and he seeks to conquer all and become immortal. He is also a "shape shifter" who can appear as anything...at one point, he does become a 3-headed dragon.
There are a few scenes of self-sacrifice, which I though added to the plot of the movie.
There was plenty of action and neat special effects.
My favorite characters were the yetti.
A very cool movie.
cross-posted on A Catholic View
Sounds like Tomb of the Dragon Emperor met everyone's expectations... generally Brendan Frasier tries too hard to act, so he has an unnatural feel on screen
excellent point
Really dear its a cool movie. This is just awesome. A great movie of the year. Its an action movie with special effects. Its full of fun & entertainment. I really enjoyed this movie in theater and now I have a link to ta watch it at home. So guys wanna watch this great movie at your home, then go ahead and follow the link,,, Download The Mummy: Tomb of The Dragon Emperor Movie Free
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