Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Movie Review: Unbroken - PG13

This is the true story of Olympian and war hero Louis "Louie" Zamperini who, along with 2 fellow soldiers, survives a plane crash and 47 days in a raft, only to be captured by the Japanese during World War II. They are held in a prison camp run by a cruel commander they refer to as 'The Bird'.  He is cruel to all, but he singles out Louie for punishment because of his notoriety as an Olympian.   But the Bird can't break Louie.  

Louie was a troubled kid who often got into trouble, and fights.  That led to his joining the track team and, eventually, running in the Olympics.

Louie and the others are held for the duration of the war.   The part that most surprised me is the lesson of forgiveness at the end, when Louie forgives his captors (the Bird won't meet with him).

A truly inspirational story about endurance, perseverance and forgiveness.  To keep in mind that it is a true story makes it even  more touching.

I especially like the filming techniques used in the story, such as the view from within the plane while shooting at enemy planes, and the view from a space below the blindfold when they are blindfolded.  

Although there is violence and brutality, there is only an aappropriate amount to support the story, and there is little 'gore'.  I would recommend this story of America's greatest generation.

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